Odd equipments
I like to fix stuff, and Andy likes to buy stuff. Heh. We both like to use stuff to make some pictures. He does take the cake for finding diamonds in the rough though, and I thought you should see his latest catch as we begin to unfold the story it tells.
Andy was at a Goodwill, http://locator.goodwill.org/ and somehow got a hold of what appears to be a Yashica LYNX IC for a steal. Everything works perfectly, and there was a roll of film inside. These cameras appear once in a while if you keep your eyes open, although I have never spotted one at a Goodwill. The "LYNX" tag usually falls off, leading to a bit of confusion. This one had the original cap and case. The metering battery was corroded and nasty, but other than metering, everything appears good to go. I might make a demonstration on how to clean corroded battery compartments with this camera if he is okay with that.
Massive nature of the 45mm f/1.4 lens might be more evident next to a Retina.
The LYNX appears to be something of a top of the line model.
Photoethnography article on the LYNX
I have seen a lot of these big Yashica rangefinders, but none have had the quality of build that this one has. It almost looks as if the other ones were all fake props. The controls on the lens are really smooth, on solid metal. The lens is also rather big... er.. huge. It fits 58mm hoods and filters, but Andy has no interest in either. He certainly makes fine enough photographs without them.
Andy is a master at finding deals on old cameras, and in a minute I am going to try to get him to share some of his magical camera procurement secrets.
The combination of f/1.4 speed, and a rangefinder become really fun in low light even more than daylight. If you can see anything in the viewfinder, you can see the focusing patch as well, and you are good to go. This Yashica might be really good for 1600 speed handheld party nonsense!
I found Andy. Here goes:
We can start. At least try to.
I type the questions buddy. Hahaha! What do I ask?
I dont know.
Oh yeah. I was writing about our recent rangefinder adventure and wanted to talk to you about how you find all these wacky cameras.
So how do I find camera?
Yes. How do you find camera? You certainly know how.
Well, I search Ebay just by typing in Camera or Medium Format Camera or Film Camera, and I just look at everything thats metal, or old, or just cool looking.. Or I just go to thrift stores. Thats really it. Nothing special. When looking at images on flickr, if I come across one that I like alot and has a neat look, I will look for that camera by name via Ebay. Only other way is via KEH. I just check their Miscellaneous stuff.
I see, your kung fu is good. So, what percentage of these finds are from places like Goodwill?
Probably only about 5%
That's not too spectacular. Does that include the antique malls?
Yeah. 5-10%
But you still go regularly anyways?
Maybe more. A lot can be found at them but there's a lot of crap that I don't buy. I love to Go! not just looking for cameras! I think I like looking at old shit. Just random old shit! I love it.
Nice. So the cameras are more of a byproduct of wandering through these stores? You don't show up on a mission to find, say... a Yashica LYNX IC?
Well, I would love to find a camera more than anything for sure.. I would say that the main hope is for a cool camera! But if I find nothing its usually not a waste or anything. Still neat to look at old stuff in the process but camera is number one goal right now.
So maybe your good attitude gives you the magicsuperpowers.
Or that I go twice a week. Speaking of, we need to hit up that Antique Mall out on Tesson Ferry Rd.
Well that explains it right there.
Im not that good at the schedule but I go usually every weekend, and then I hit up some of the more local ones after work.
Now might be a good time to mention the book.
But I'm also looking for vintage ties, suits, coats, shoes (need some good brown dress shoes.) I like the book,
and anything for croquet I might add.
I have a camera with a moustache. Does that count?
So you want to talk about the book at another time is what you are saying? Top secret eh?
Guess I kinda worry about the idea being stolen or someone else doing it or maybe some one else already did it and if so, I don't want someone to tell me about it, cause then I might not do it. But it really wouldn't matter too much.
I'm trying to think of anyone else that has the resources to do such a book.
Basically, the book is just going to be a coffee table picture book containing a lot of images all of which have been taken by different cameras, or different glass I should probably say. Lots of little additional info in the book as well.
I'm pretty excited about it.
I am too, but its going to be along time till it's done.
When should I start looking about in the bookstores?
Two years.
hahaha! You funny.
Seriously. I only have images from about 30-40 cameras right now.
That's not funny.
I need at least 60 more. But I might have to squash the 100 idea, though I think thats best. If I count differnt glass, I might be up to 50 finished pices.
How much of that is machinery from Goodwill stores and antique malls?
Of the 50 finished pieces, probably only about 3%. I need to get out with the older wierd stuff more often. I would say the majority is KEH buys and Ebay buys. The cooler cameras, more user friendly... I get out with those more and those cameras you just don't find at thrifts. Maybe sometimes but not that often.
What's the favorite today, and why is it so fresh?
Thats really hard to say but I've gotten the best resluts recently from my Bronica SQ-AI. It has a meter, it's SLR, and it's Square format! I just love that combo, and the lenses are CHEAP! But others, I like a lot just cause they're weird. I'm enjoying the Horizon 202 a whole lot, but I don't get many great shots from it. I love TLRs but I'm not that great shooting with them. Anyway, the SQ is probably the best right now.
You didn't mention the LYNX IC.
Well, I haven't even got pics back from that yet.
I like it but I'm not sure yet. It's pretty badass, but still so new. Speaking of... 59mins left on that auction. $25. Yummy.
Heh. You're saying I should be using one is what you are saying, right?
You seemed to be interested, and its only $25.
Not answering that.
To see how some of these cameras do, as per his suggestion, you could check out his own flickr, Andy's flickr. The pictures are actually organized by camera, so you can kind of compare the imaging styles of different lenses. He is not much for digitally screwing with photos either, so you can really get an idea of the experience. Many other images on flickr and other picture sites have camera and lens information as well. Interesting way to see what might be helping you to get the look you are after. I am really hoping to see how the Yashica LYNX fared in our outing. It should only be a few days.
To see how some of these cameras do, as per his suggestion, you could check out his own flickr, Andy's flickr. The pictures are actually organized by camera, so you can kind of compare the imaging styles of different lenses. He is not much for digitally screwing with photos either, so you can really get an idea of the experience. Many other images on flickr and other picture sites have camera and lens information as well. Interesting way to see what might be helping you to get the look you are after. I am really hoping to see how the Yashica LYNX fared in our outing. It should only be a few days.
Other mentioned things:
Andy called back and said he forgot to mention craigslist. Most of the prices are dumb, but he says things appear if you know your stuff. I can agree with that. He sometimes points things out on there that he knows I need.
Since I don't have one of those cool Yashicas, I used a Xenon Retina with, (shocker,) COLOR film for our outing. Just seeing what happens. For a meter, I used the CHDK modified Canon point and shoot. It feels weird to look at the histogram and know that on the film camera there is so much range that none of that even matters.
I'll be printing impossible nonsense like this.
Stay tuned for whatever is next.
now i have to finish that roll