So, with that said, I don't think people are getting it.
The other day, the web went ablaze with the latest Lomography antic: adapter lenses that allow you to attach a Holga or Diana lens to the front of a Canon or Nikon SLR or DSLR camera.
People are understandingly going bonkers over this, but they really aren't getting that this is going to be the pancake of photography.
Once again, allow me to explain...
The pancake (mmmmmm, the pancake) sounds glorious BEFORE you indulge in it. During the munching procedure, It still seems like the greatest idea, it is the honeymoon after all... but there is something sinister going on. Little do you now that one tiny pancake is the correct quantity and as you gulp down pounds of delicious pancake, you head towards the inevitable.
An hour later you are miserable and let down.
I feel this is the exact thing that will happen to all of these uninformed people that buy these holga/diana lens adapters.
Parting you with your money is great, but let's talk for a minute in YOUR favor.
There is a plastic mask in the holga camera. you know all about this. the mask makes the image smaller, so you can shoot 16 frames at 645 instead of 12 square pictures at a full 6x6. In the new Diana cameras, there is a superslide sized plastic mask that allows you to shoot 16 smaler frames at say, 44x44 or so. Most of you may not know what the hell superslide is in the first place, but who cares about that.
The point is that to get a mysterious, dreamy, gorgeous Holga/diana image, the first thing you do is TEAR THAT DAMN THING OUT, and use the entire frame. This makes use of the entire image area, including the horribly vignetted corners and the radially blurred magic that people associate with the term LOMO, DIANA, ad HOLGA.
A 35mm camera has a tiny frame, not even close to including the glorious edges that darket to direct your attention into the image as the great painters did. Most DSLRs, including the delicious new Canon 7d have even smaller sensors, the size of the APS cameras you throw in the trash today because they suck. These cameras don't suck like those APScameras did, but the image area is so small, you will only get the center of the frame. No cool vignetting. No dreamy image corners. All you will get is a high flare, and plainly unsharp picture.
Pretty lame.
It would be better to use ACTUAL creativity ad make up a weird bokeh filter with sharpie, cardboard, and vaseline the way they did in the 1930s. Come on people. Get a grip.
The again, I have noting against rampant consumerism. Carry on in full ignorance.
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